sandwave synopsis

continuing investigation by Patrick Kana & research assistant: Dana Murtada

this project began out of an excitement and curiosity for the way the world leaves the sand after a low tide. patterns and undulations so unique and repetitive at the same time. Patrick Kana began the start of this investigation by 3D scanning these sand patterns and trying to find ways to materialize them. I began to 3D model and alter scans to add thickness and smoothen them out.

the first attempt began by breaking up a large 3D scan into tiles and turning them into a variety of 3D prints, in different colors and transparencies, when a favorite was chosen, the whole scan was printed by printing each individual tile. once the scan materialized, we had to create connections between the tiles, we ended up deciding to use a black string to somewhat loosely connect each corner to another. lastly, the installation: with this scan 2 different installations were done (pictures included)

the second attempt began to focus on a new material, wood. the cnc & the program fusion were used to take the 3D models, and actualize the scans. the priority on wood took this experiment to many different types of wood and different ways to cut the scans out of it. whether it be square tiles again, or 3 long rectangles, a circle or even just one big square, many ideas were attempted and tried.

while that is where the project has currently come to a pause, the curiosity never ends, and therefore the experimentation continues.